Sports and Golf Course Turf Grass
NorthBridge® Bermudagrass
NorthBridge® Bermudagrass is the latest Oklahoma State selection that serves as an improved cold-tolerant turfgrass, making it suitable for the southern two-thirds of the United States. NorthBridge has a fine texture, early spring green up and demonstrates extreme sod strength. The bermudagrass shows promise in and below the transition zone for golf courses, sports fields, commercial and residential landscapes.
NorthBridge® Bermudagrass is a patented and trademarked product of Sod Solutions, Inc.
Iron Cutter Bermudagrass
From the wind-swept turfgrass plots of Enid, Oklahoma rises a new successor in cold-tolerant vegetative bermudagrass: IRONCUTTERTM! IronCutter is the result of a 10-year research and breeding partnership from the legendary turf and forage breeder Dr. Charles Taliaferro (breeder of vegetative bermudagrass Patriot, Latitude 36, and Northbridge), Johnston Seed Co., and exclusive marketer MVP Genetics. IronCutter entered the National Turf Evaluation Program’s (NTEP) 2013 Bermudagrass Trial as JSC-2-21-18-V, where it emerged as an ideal choice for turf managers seeking better all-around consistency and the highest turfgrass quality across the entire reach of bermudagrass’s growing zones.